TheBasement @ Dia de Campo






It was about time that we had such an epic day. After many weeks of planning, searching for the right place,  looking for the perfect suppliers… Last 10th of May we celebrated the very first “Dia de Campo”, and hopefully it won’t be the last one.

More than 200 House Music lovers came around to enjoy a sunny day surrounded by friends, good music and lots of drink. It all started with a tasty paella cooked by master Alvaro GB. The first beers seem not enough for the attendants so they went for the spirits and shots! A large group of local deejays joined us to put the music in such a special date.

So many known faces, plenty of pretty girls and good old friends with a big smile on their faces… Despite a couple of problems with the energetic supply, it was all great! Fantastic music, great atmosphere, cheap drinks… smooth as it should be!

Thanks to everyone helping out in the organization. The waiters and waitresses, deejays, the owner of the crib, Ambar for the beer… you made it, we made it! We are already planning the next one, and we’ll try to not disappoint.

If you were not able to come, make sure you attend to the next one, because it’s gonna be even better. No more organizational newbie mistakes. This has to get better and better every time.

Checkout the highlights video made by the great Hector Nillo and the one below, stopmotion mode, by Boranimals. Bravo!

See you next time!

swagnites’ issues #010 * The Basement – Día de campo from swagnites on Vimeo.


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